Thursday, March 20, 2014

First meeting Round 3 PLC's - 3/20/14


Scott, RoJean, Amanda, Julie, Megan, Lori

Scott -- document the electronic SLC's - demonstrate how the students used a variety of apps - Google Tools and Ipads to make the SLC prezi -- all 6th graders --

RoJean -- Puppet Pals as a review for social studies -- 13 colonies

Julie - Analysis of budget for Economics using spreadsheet - Julie needs to meet with Matt :) -

Megan - Have 7th graders make a ABC of geometry book to share with 4th graders --/

Lori - Move the 8th graders up a level on by having them peer review and edit there instead of just submitting it for me to grade -- This will help them transition to 9th grade English where is used frequently.

We will use our next two PLC meetings to work individually on our plans.