Members present: Scott, RoJean, Megan, Julie, Lori, Amanda
Use of infographics can be challenge for younger students. Scott would like to do one with the 6th graders, and Megan would like to use them with the 4th graders. However, the sites that are out there can be cumbersome.
Having the technology allows the students to stay self contained with their off-taskness. It also allows mixed-gender groups to collaborate without the stigma of going to one person's house.
Lots of discussion about gender as the 7th grade sections are separated by gender. (The students are all in a tizzy about it.) Given our common experience, boys are more prone to lose their iPad during class for inappropriate use. Gamification is a key thing, especially for boys, to engage them in topics. The physical care for an iPad is also a gender issue. Amanda reported that every major break has been a girl iPad.
Consumption versus creation seems to also be a factor in determining student focus. With the 5th graders, they are much more focused and invested when they're creating vs. consuming in Extended English. They are eager to look for more information when they know they're creating a presentation to share with others. They love looking for interesting facts and can restrain from blurting it out if they know they'll have a chance to "wow" their peers during the presentation.
ReplyDeleteWe are glad to hear Paul is confused with our statement regarding off-taskness. We discussed how helpful it is to have rambunctious students consumed by technology if it means the others in the class can focus on the lesson.
ReplyDeleteHa! Sort of like when I hand my son my iphone to distract him during dinner or when I'm running errands:)